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Honey Pomelo/Yuzu Tea

Pomelo is a treasure trove of nutrients, and every part of it, from the peel to the flesh, can be used! Today, I’m going to share a recipe for honey pomelo/yuzu tea that is great for beauty, and can also help with phlegm and cough.

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Blanching in Salt Water

Use salt to “force” out the bitterness of the pomelo. Otherwise, no matter how you cook it, the tea will still taste bitter! Blanch it in salt water up to 3 times to remove the excess bitterness. Taste it each time to ensure the bitterness is reducing. If you find blanching 3 times to be troublesome, you can marinate the pomelo flesh and peel in salt for at least three hours before blanching.

Use salt to "force" out the bitterness of the pomelo
Use salt to “force” out the bitterness of the pomelo


Pomelo flesh comes in red and white varieties, each with its unique flavor. Different varieties of pomelo will impart different aromas to the tea. The choice of variety is not critical, but it’s best to choose pomelo that is not overly juicy or sour. If you have a lot of pomelo that you can’t eat in time, you can cook it into pomelo tea and refrigerate it; It will keep for about 2 months. Fresh, juicy, and plump pomelo is best eaten directly—it’s less hassle!

Honey Pomelo Tea

Adding honey to pomelo tea creates a layered flavor with unique sourness and a slight bitterness. The honey makes the overall taste refreshing and unique, and you can enjoy the texture of the pomelo flesh. Pomelo peel contains naringin, which gives a fragrant taste when bitten.

Besides honey pomelo/yuzu tea, we also have a recipe related to pomelo. Mango Sago Pomelo which is very tasty and attractive dessert you can easily make in home.

蜂蜜柚子茶 Honey Pomelo Tea
蜂蜜柚子茶 Honey Pomelo Tea

Honey Pomelo/Yuzu Tea

Adding honey to pomelo tea creates a layered flavor with unique sourness and a slight bitterness. The honey makes the overall taste refreshing and unique, and you can enjoy the texture of the pomelo flesh. Pomelo peel contains naringin, which gives a fragrant taste when bitten.

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Course: Drinks
Cuisine: Asian
Keyword: drinks, refreshing
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings: 1.5 kg
Calories: 19kcal


  • 1.8 Kg Fresh Pomelo
  • 200 g Water
  • 100 g Rock Sugar
  • 1 tbsp Salt per blanching
  • 1 kg Honey
  • 3 Pandan Leaves


  • First, scrub the pomelo peel with salt, then peel and slice it.
  • Remove the pomelo segments and separate the flesh.
  • Place the pomelo flesh and peel in a pot with water and salt, bring to a boil, then drain. Repeat at least three times.
  • Rinse the blanched pomelo flesh and peel with filtered water to remove the salty taste.
  • Place the drained pomelo flesh and peel in a pot with water, rock sugar, and pandan leaves. Simmer until the water reduces.
  • Let the cooked pomelo mixture cool, then mix it with honey in a jar.
  • Store in the refrigerator for at least three months. Use a clean, dry spoon each time to avoid contamination.



Ps: Pomelo contains furanocoumarins, similar to those in grapefruit, which inhibit the metabolic enzymes in the small intestine and liver. If you are taking medications such as blood pressure medicine, be cautious and avoid consuming pomelo or grapefruit together with these medications. If you want to consume pomelo, try to keep a gap of at least two hours from your medication and only consume a few segments to prevent any unexpected drug interactions.


Serving: 1serving | Calories: 19kcal | Carbohydrates: 5g | Protein: 0.1g | Sodium: 1938mg | Potassium: 23mg | Fiber: 0.1g | Sugar: 4.1g | Calcium: 2mg
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蜂蜜柚子茶 Honey Pomelo Tea